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  • SD Worx

    One digital ecosystem for SD Worx Belgium and the Netherlands

    SD Worx Staffing Solutions wanted to consolidate the IT landscape of the Belgian and Dutch branches. In this way, both countries can benefit from each other’s knowledge and further digitalize the recruitment process. The challenge? Integrating different local processes and tools into one solution. Enter HRlinkIT.

    Linking CRM and back-offices

    SD Worx Staffing Solutions has a long history and a strong reputation for growth through innovation. Previously, the Belgian and Dutch branches of the organization had different back offices. SD Worx Belgium used Prato as its back office, in the Netherlands employees used AFAS.

    Both countries had their own specific applications in terms of contract forms, contract duration and remuneration, as these are different for each country. However, both countries used ATS Carerix as a basis, albeit with different interfaces. Because SD Worx used CRM to create customers, a separate link had to be established with both back offices in Carerix.

    Leveraging data for forecasting and strategic advice
    Leveraging data for forecasting and strategic advice

    In addition, SD Worx wanted to use data smarter. The organization already had personnel data available from each client, but was working with a self-developed platform. This made it difficult to build up a unique picture of the client. And this made it difficult to predict when a company or industry needed new talent, even though the data was available.

    The goal was to have Belgium and the Netherlands running on one system, so that the data would contribute to predictions or strategic advice to the clients.

    Local flexibility within complex digital ecosystem
    Local flexibility within complex digital ecosystem

    The preparatory period was dominated by searching and finding solutions to achieve the various integrations. It took a relatively long time to arrive at a good project definition and to think up the final solution. A solution that also offered enough room for local flexibility. A successful pilot and the Carerix platform finally won SD Worx over.

    The implementation phase that followed was relatively short. HRlinkIT finally put a digital recruitment component live in 24 hours in two different and complex digital ecosystems. The solution worked from day one in both countries.

    The advantage of combining HRlinkIT and Carerix
    The advantage of combining HRlinkIT and Carerix

    The cooperation with Carerix had a clear added value for SD Worx. HRlinkIT didn’t just set up and link the technology. This solution required thinking out processes together with SD Worx and Carerix so that everything would work as smoothly and efficiently as possible.

    During the implementation, the maximum was made out of Carerix as a platform. As an implementation partner, HRlinkIT worked out a complex structure of many links as logically and simply as possible. As a result, the entire organization now contributes efficiently to the success of the recruitment department.

    Customer stories

    Time to get started.
    Time to get started.

    Are you full of ideas, but in doubt about the approach? Or are you running into a technology dilemma? Contact us to brainstorm and spar with a recruitment tech specialist.

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