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  • Strategy and technology for recruitment

    We make recruitment smart and digital

    We help recruitment agencies successfully digitise
    We help recruitment agencies successfully digitise

    We help staffing and recruitment businesses navigate the ever-changing landscape of technology and innovation through digital transformation.

    Our goal is to help our clients increase efficiency and improve the candidate experience, so they can remain competitive in the fast-paced digital world.

    IT strategy & digital challenges

    Technology offers endless possibilities to improve your processes and grow your business. We analyze your company and draw up a strategy.

    Recruitment technology

    In addition to implementing recruitment software, we also develop a complete, tailormade recruitment process. If it doesn’t exist yet, we’ll build it. 

    Training, advice and support

    After handover, we offer support so that you do not remain with questions. We help you grow through training and inspiration sessions.

    Customer stories

    Food for thought

    Whitepaper: The COVID-19 crisis as catalyst for innovation for flex and intermediary job market
    08 May 2020
    The Covid-19 crisis changed the dynamics of the Dutch and Belgian labor market over a weekend. From an employee market, to a "ghost" market. Whatever the new model will look like after the crisis, to win you have to be the best digitally.
    Recruitment innovation 2025
    08 May 2020
    What are the pitfalls of technology? How do you transform your organization with smart recruitment technology? Find out all about the recruitment trends, challenges and solutions from now until 2025 in this whitepaper.
    View all
    More than 100 customers in Europe
    Time to get started.
    Time to get started.

    Do you have many ideas, but are you unsure about the approach? Do you want to explore your digital opportunities?

    Schedule a call or send Daniël a message at daniel.vanhek@hrlinkit.com

    Schedule online call