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  • Adecco

    How Adecco engages candidates with a communication portal

    More engagement with its candidates and employees: it was the challenge for HR service provider Adecco to fend off the War for Talent. From idea to completion, HRlinkIT integrated a central tool for communication with which Adecco is now achieving its goals.

    Goal: One central tool for communication to increase engagement
    How: Strategy, solution design, software selection, implementation, training

    Adecco's challenge
    Adecco's challenge

    Finding talent remains a huge challenge for Adecco as an intermediary. Therefore, the organization wanted to excel in accessibility in each of its business units with an eye for the individual behind the CV. A candidate must feel addressed and bond with a (potential) employer.

    At Adecco, communication still went through too many channels, and often only in one direction. As a result, candidates were getting lost.

    Finally, Adecco wanted to focus on more flexibility. Adecco wants to constantly evolve with the many changes in the market in the context of Talent Acquisition and not get bogged down in a tool that can’t.

    The solution
    The solution

    To address these challenges, HRlinkIT developed a full-responsive portal directly linked to the ATS. Roles and permissions on the portal therefore remain centralized within the ATS.

    The communication portal is styled in the corporate identity of the various business units. It is more than just an information hub; it is a dynamic platform that enables Adecco to communicate intensively and directly with candidates. This allows news items, events, vacancies and referral promotions to be shared effectively.

    Candidates, in turn, have the ability to customize their profile, contact their specific business owner, apply for jobs and read the latest news stories, blog posts and tweets. This interactive portal helped Adecco build a solid foundation to find, entice, captivate and engage talent.


    The partnership with HRlinkIT has not only provided Adecco with a powerful technology solution, but has also served as a strategic partner. Over the years, HRlinkIT has evolved from an IT vendor to an essential technical partner, heavily involved in Adecco’s business development.

    In Adecco’s words, “HRlinkIT has not only provided a technical framework, but also shows a keen eye for labor market developments and long-term technical evolutions. HRlinkIT has grown for us from IT supplier to a strategic technical partner, intensively guiding us in our business development.”

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    Time to get started.

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