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  • Synergie

    How Synergy digitizes and increases effectiveness

    Temporary employment agency Synergie places approximately 25,000 temporary workers in Construct and Logistics every year. To realize its international growth plans, the employment agency wanted to focus on more efficiency, less administration and coaching of candidates.

    The challenge
    The challenge

    Digital connection: Johan Weemaes, COO Synergie: “The main challenge is time and tightness: the faster we can make a correct proposal to candidates, the faster we can place them. We were also missing a digital connection with our candidates, our software did not have the capacity to realize a digital candidate experience.”

    More transparency: Didier De Winne, business process manager Synergie: “Our clients now want to know much more than 10 years ago: what was your effort, what was the candidate screened on? We needed a nice overview of what steps candidates went through.”

    Respond faster: A second challenge was communication with applicants. Didier De Winne: “Every applicant must receive a response after applying, whether positive or negative. Especially those with the negative response are previously sometimes forgotten. With an ATS you can follow this up much more conveniently and set automatic triggers.”

    Less administration: Synergie’s core business is matching candidates with customers. “But we noticed that we had less and less time for this,” testifies Didier De Winne. “More and more time crept into administration, for example sending emails to sign contracts or request availabilities. Whereas we should be busy listening to what the candidate and client want. “


    After a thorough digital scan of the recruitment process, the implementation process followed. Carerix was implemented and linked to various digital tools. “We want to be able to continuously optimize and deploy new digital tools,” explains Didier De Winne. “It is therefore crucial that we can easily integrate tools with the ATS.”

    The result
    The result

    In a nutshell:

    • Improved data accuracy and real-time visibility into applications and job openings.
    • Simplified processes for candidates, such as automatic requests for missing information.
    • A focus on better understanding candidate preferences and career expectations.
    • Less manual work for consultants.

    The implementation now makes Synergie much more digital and efficient. “There is much more transparency,” testifies Didier De Winne. “Before, we had to request reports from the IT department, now we get a transparent insight into where the candidate comes from. For most consultants, that’s an eye-opener. Now everyone can see how many candidates are flowing in and how many we are losing or underapproaching.”

    Before, the selection process sometimes took one month, now it varies between 2 hours to 2 weeks. Johan Weemaes: “Our consultants have more tools at their disposal and the administrative process is much simpler. When a consultant creates a new vacancy, it is immediately published on other job sites. Once the vacancy is created, the system automatically starts looking for suitable profiles.”

    When there is a match between the vacancy and the candidate, Synergie can communicate and record agreements with the candidate and customer from Carerix much more easily. Didier De Winne: “The advantage of Carerix is that we have obliged everyone to enter data in the same way. Everyone actually has to put everything in a certain field, there is no room to have their own method in the ATS.”

    Partnership with HRlinkIT
    Partnership with HRlinkIT

    Synergie looks back successfully on the cooperation with Carerix and HRlinkIT. “Should we have to restart this project tomorrow, we would without a doubt engage HRlinkIT again as our digital coach and implementation partner,” says Johan Weemaes. “We could never have done this on our own.”

    The critical eye of the employees at HRlinkIT, is of enormous added value according to Didier De Winne. “They are not yes-men and constantly thought along with us. With every choice, they explained the various options and their pros and cons and costs to us. This always in an objective manner.”

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    Time to get started.
    Time to get started.

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