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  • Randstad Italy

    Thoughtful software integration from Randstad Italy

    How should I build my software landscape for a successful, step-by-step digital transformation? Randstad Italy, together with HRlinkIT, developed a well-thought-out integration architecture in order to be agile and digital.

    Goal: Integration architecture and central Search & Match platform
    How: Drawing up architecture and implementation of ATS
    Services: Strategy, Solution Design, Software selection, Implementation, Integration

    The challenge
    The challenge

    Randstad Italy was looking for a central Search & Match platform for their more than 1800 consultants in 287 offices across Italy. There were not only functionally clear expectations, but technically there were also a number of preconditions for this new solution to fit within their complex internal software landscape.

    The result
    The result
    • implementation of Carerix
    • one central Search & Match platform across Italy
    • all candidates in one database
    • flexible integration that makes it possible to continue to innovate

    More customer stories

    Time to get started.
    Time to get started.

    Are you full of ideas, but in doubt about the approach? Or are you running into a technology dilemma? Contact us to brainstorm and spar with a recruitment tech specialist.

    Get in touch