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  • Case Agilitas

    The digital transformation of Agilitas

    Agilitas is a fixed value in the recruitment landscape. However, at some point they noticed that there was no further growth. The cause? Their recruitment processes had not evolved and were inefficient. That is why Agilitas engaged HRlinkIT and in just six months the company made a decisive digital switch, with results!

    Goal: More intake, faster recruitment process, less repetitive work
    How: Automation of recruitment and selection process and implementation of end-to-end system with the central database
    Services:  Strategy, solution design, software selection, implementation, training

    The challenge
    The challenge

    The recruitment processes of HR service provider Agilitas Group had not evolved over the years and were therefore no longer efficient. Excel files stored on the desktop, a website and back office that speak a different language and non-automated communication hindered the growth of Agilitas. We joined forces and developed a digital strategy that we also implemented. The positive effect of the digital switch was immediately noticeable.

    The result
    The result
    • greater intake of candidates
    • a central database with all candidates
    • faster communication with candidate and customer
    • less repetitive work for the consultants
    • huge time savings and wow experience
    • digital organization in just six months

    More customer stories

    Time to get started.
    Time to get started.

    Are you full of ideas, but in doubt about the approach? Or are you running into a technology dilemma? Contact us to brainstorm and spar with a recruitment tech specialist.

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