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  • Recruitment technology

    Save time and money with good recruitment tools.

    We have worked with over 40 different solutions in just one year

    We advise and support HR service providers with strategic and well-thought-through solutions for faster and better recruitment. So you can be sure that you chose the right software or tool and rest assured that everything is correctly implemented. What’s more, we train your employees so that they can immediately start to use it, ensuring a return on your investment.


    ATS / CRM

    You can automate almost every aspect of the entire recruitment and selection process with an Applicant Tracking System or Candidate Relationship Management System. The emphasis is always on finding, seducing, fascinating and engaging customers and applicants.

    Total talent acquisition software

    Total talent acquisition software enables you to manage permanent employees, flex workers and mobility with just one tool. Giving you more control over the internal recruitment and hiring processes for flexible and permanent talent. Making the entire process much more efficient.

    Talent Sourcing Automation

    Create more inflow with automation, automating matching, the presentation of vacancies and the scheduling of interviews.

    Applicant portal

    Have applicants manage their profile, enter the hours they worked or their availability and apply for vacancies in an applicant portal. It’s a great way of simplifying the candidate journey and optimising the process based on an outside-in approach.

    Customer portal

    Have customers enter vacancies, approve the proposed candidates, add availabilities and more in a customer portal.

    Project sourcing solutions

    Make your recruitment smarter, with integrated solutions for CRM, workflow management, contracting, timesheets, invoicing and the link with your social secretariat (payroll).


    With a Vendor Management System you can digitise every step of the hiring process, for all the participants. From the creation of the vacancy, to the drawing up of the contract, and the offboarding of temp workers.

    Integration platform

    A no-code integration platform combines the various recruitment tools you use in one platform but also enables you to integrate processes and flows in it yourself. Flexibly set up recruitment tools or switch tools without having to worry about the hassle of integrations.

    Secondment software

    Recruit, select and second applicants using just one system. Yes, you can. You can also use secondment software to generate contracts, take care of time registration and control the invoicing process.


    Outplacement & mobility solutions

    Software for outplacement, career guidance and mobility enables you to oversee individuals and groups – with everything this entails – in one single environment. Making it even easier to supervise participants and oversee communication.

    Search & Match

    Win time with semantic search software that matches candidates with the right vacancies. Search several (résumé) databases, the Internet and social media with just one query.



    Build and manage specific candidate pools. You can speed up the time-to-hire process, improve the candidate experience and ensure a better match and lower employee turnover by communicating with your talent pool in a targeted manner.

    Cutting edge

    The newest voice search technology, chatbots, machine learning and artificial intelligence in recruitment. We will gladly assist you with this.

    Multiposting technology

    Easily post vacancies to paid résumé databases using multiposting technology.

    Dashboarding, reporting and analytics

    Make your entire candidate journey measurable and take targeted action based on realtime dashboards and recruitment analytics.

    Digital transformation solutions

    (Partly) automate people’s actions, process steps and decisions using smart technology.

    Some of our partners in recruitment technology
    IT strategy & digital challenges

    Technology offers endless possibilities to improve your processes and grow your business. We analyze your company and draw up a strategy.

    Recruitment technology

    In addition to implementing recruitment software, we also develop a complete, tailormade recruitment process. If it doesn’t exist yet, we’ll build it. 

    Training, advice and support

    After handover, we offer support so that you do not remain with questions. We help you grow through training and inspiration sessions.

    Time to get started.
    Time to get started.

    Are you full of ideas, but in doubt about the approach? Or are you running into a technology dilemma? Contact us to brainstorm and spar with a recruitment tech specialist.

    Contact us